with CHRIS MOHR Food Prices
Singer- Songwriters
10.2 Books for your children
10.20 Listen Children With NICK HANDEL
10.34 Consumer Phone-in
11.2 Across the Board
Items from recent Radio London programmes of interest to children
11.34 In the News
Older students confront people in the news with their ideas, opinions and questions from London schools I
Today's special features:
4.35 Swop Shop
Motoring with MICHAEL KEMP
From this morning's broadcast
A series of rare music Potter Thompson
An opera in one act by GORDON CROSSE libretto by ALAN GARNER with JOHN WINFIELD (tenor) in the title role and the FINCHLEY CHILDREN'S MUSIC GROUP conducted by JOHN ANDREWES
(A recording of the first performance in the Church of St Mary Magdalene, Munster Sq. earlier this year)