Join the human race each morning with LAURIE MAYER 'S get-up-and-go breakfast show. News, travel, personalities, issues, music, sport
News, weather and Travel Prospects on the hour and half-hour
6.45, 7.45, 8.45 What's On Today
6.55 Long-distance road report
8.55 (Thurs, Fri) Shopping Guide
9.34 SUSAN BARNES with music and dedications
10.34 JILL EVANS with topics and ideas you might like to discuss and people you'd like to meet
11.20 HELEN DICKINSON with a story for the under-5s
A report to the parents of London on developments in their children's education
with RICHARD VAUGHAN Today's special spots: Health; ROD DEWAR
The investor's guide to today's financial highlights
A programme for the disabled
JILL EVANS 'S morning spot
with STEVE BRADSHAW. Radio's only rock magazine - the music, the news and the topics.
as Radio 2 (page 42) until closedown