Conductor Philippe Jordan makes his Proms debut with the Mahler Youth Orchestra. Featuring Strauss's Don Juan, Chausson's Poeme de l'Amour et de la Mer, sung by Susan Graham, and Shostakovich's Symphony No 6.
(Live on Radio 3 from 7pm)
(For notes about the music, press red on the remote)
Sex, lies and games abound in a 2004 documentary about a disastrous Finnish business venture, In Finnish and English, with English subtitles. Showing as part of Storyville. (BW and colour)
3/4. New. Edinburgh festival highlights. More at 10.30pm on Thursday.
The Edinburgh Show: Friday, BBC2, 11pm
**** Kirk Douglas and Lana Turner star in Vincente Minnelli 's
Oscar-winning 1952 Hollywood drama. Review page 83. (BW)