2/2. Iraqi soldiers and riots are just some of the pleasures awaiting Ben Anderson as he travels to the rivers Jordan and Euphrates. A trip down the rivers Amazon, Ganges and Congo is at 11.40pm.
With Nisha Pillai.
Followed by Weather
Christmas special of the political comedy, first shown in 1984, in which Jim Hacker becomes the surprise favourite to get the job of prime minister when the current incumbent at number 10 announces plans to retire. TV remakes: page 24
Director John T Davis follows fellow Belfast native artist
Noel Murphy as he completes a commission to paint all 108 members of the Northern Ireland Assembly over a six-month period. Showing as part of the Storyville strand. (5)
The story of Sean O'Callaghan , self-confessed IRA bomb maker, murderer and double agent. who was imprisoned in 1988 and freed eight years later, after receiving the Queen's pardon.
1/2. Ben Anderson is struck down by altitude sickness as he travels along the rivers Amazon,
Ganges and Congo.
the Story of the Broadcast Ban: Time Shift reveals the impact of the ban on the voices of the leaders of Sinn Fein from being heard on television, an act introduced by Margaret Thatcher 's Conservative government