The Shawshank Redemption director Frank Darabont guests, plus reviews of Elephant and the Marx Brothers. With Mark Lamarr and Phill Jupitus.
In Hungary, where she spent part of her honeymoon in 1989, Kirsty Wark travels on a railway run by children and survives an all-over mud pack.
What are the erotic undertones in the paintings of John Constable ? Andrew Graham-Dixon investigates. (AD)
3/3. Drama school graduates are followed at their end-of-year presentation and beyond. Will they make it as professionalactors?
of the Earth 1/6. How did the rocks under our feet shape the Mediterranean's human history? Dr lain Stewart tours Greece,
Turkey and Jordan.
Harold Pinter 's intriguing early work, adapted from his first and only novel, about four young