Stephanie Hughes introduces five of the country's best young brass players in the penultimate semi-final. Demonstrating their talents in front of an audience and judges are Edward Jones, Thomas Osborne, Angela Barnes, Leslie Neish and Matthew Gee. Continues at 8.30pm.
With George Alagiah.
The climax of tonight's semi-final to decide which one of five brass virtuosos progresses to the grand final.
Works by Georges Seurat and Vincent van Gogh come under the spotlight in the last of four films exploring artists' depictions of climatic conditions.
In March 1986 seven young men were gunned down by the South African police, who were insistent that the shooting was legitimate. Lindy Wilson's film follows the inquiry by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission into the facts behind the events.
Roman Polanski's first feature film, nominated for the best foreign language film Oscar, is a iense monochrome drama set on board a yacht. Starring Leon Niemczyk , Jolanta Umecka and Zygmunt Malanowicz. In Polish with English subtitles.
A profile of top photojoumalist Tom Stoddart