Another selection of Christmas favourites, including Jane's Cruise to the Stars.
Sporting action.
Digital widescreen.
Skiing magazine.
Digital widescreen.
Trevor Bayliss concludes the week's series about scientific discoveries and inventions.
Including more Christmas episodes of EasEnders. Digital widescreen
Comedy with Brendan Coogan and Gill Mills.
Digital widescreen.
Another chance to see the third and fourth episodes of the Jimmy McGovern drama.
Northern Ireland
10.00 Newsline Extra
10.20 Straight Talking
11.10 Chosen Words
11.20-12. 50 Braid Scots
10.00pm Newsline
10.30 To Be Announced
11.00 Late Flyte
11.30-12 midnight The Beat Room
10.00 Newswrap
10.15 Sportswrap
10.30 Jon Gower's Walks
11.00 The wRap: reviews
11.50-12 midnight Taste Buddies