Lively chat, celebrity guests, news, sport, Bollywood and bhangra music. Preeya Kalidas is in the studio to celebrate Christmas and she performs a special song just for Tommy. Show more
Hear musical highlights and interviews from leading Bollywood playback singers Shreya Ghoshal and Harshdeep Kaur and the Queen of Sufi music, Abida Parveen.
Gagan sits in and plays Noreen's top interviews with comedians Nitin Ganatra and Mawaan Rizwan. Plus, desi music, lifestyle chat and entertainment. Show more
With an extra long show, Bobby counts down to Christmas, with listeners' Desi carols, a festive Teri Meri Kahani and the Big Desi Game of Antakshri. Show more
Join Ray Khan as he celebrates the birthdays of Mohammed Rafi and Anil Kapoor. Plus, Sanctuary Church Choir are live in the studio singing some well-known Christmas carols. Show more
BBC Asian Network joins BBC Radio 5 live through the night.