Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
THA AH-AH den bheachd gu bheil e ro chunnartach a-muigh ‘s tha e ‘son fuireach san leabaidh. AH-AH thinks that it’s too dangerous outside and wants to stay in his bed. Show more
Tha a h-uile duine trang an-diugh ach chan eil duine nas trainge na na cearcan. Everyone is busy today but no one is busier than the hens. Show more
Tha Posy toilichte gur e Là an Aodaich-oidhch’ a th’ann ach tha Pip ‘son cluich sa phàirc. Posy is delighted that it’s Pyjama Day but Pip wants to go and play in the park. Show more
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ dèanamh risotto le feòil-circe. Linda and friends make a delicious risotto with chicken and red pepper. Show more
Biscuit-loving Fox realises he is in bad shape. His friends want to help him to get fit, but he fails at all the exercises they suggest. Show more
Tha Ronia air a beò-ghlacadh nuair a tha i a’ cluinntinn òran àlainn. Ronia is captivated by the sound of a beautiful song. Show more
Tha Choirstaidh a’ dèanamh tort a tha a’ coimhead blasta, ach cha bhiodh tu airson ithe. Choirstaidh is making a tart that looks delicious, but you wouldn’t want to eat it. Show more
Tha cumhachd aig Marisa an t-sìde atharrachadh ga turas a nì i sreothart. Matilda has the power to change the weather every time she sneezes. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Animated film. Life is turned upside down for a young boy living in ninth-century rural Ireland, as he attempts to complete the famous unfinished Book of Kells. Show more
Wallace 's Gromit
A' Bhriogais Chearr/Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers
30 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Available for 9 months
Tha briogais-teicneo 's loidsear ùr gus trioblaid uabhasach adhbharachadh do Wallace 's Gromit. A pair of techno-trousers and a new lodger cause untold trouble. Show more
This week on 360, Iona Ballantyne welcomes football legend, Julie Fleeting, back to the studio. They reflect on the SWNT’s first U23 fixtures in over a decade. Show more
Acclaimed Gaelic singers Kim Carnie and Ellen MacDonald perform “Clò nan Gillean”, “Hi Rim Bo (Tha Sgeul Ùr Air Tighinn Don Bhaile)”, “An t-Each Odhar”. Show more
With the help of local craft workers, Erica Morrison finds new ideas for designing old spaces. Show more
A’ chuid as fheàrr de thaisbeanadh beòthail Tide Lines aig Belladrum, 2022. Highlights from Tide Lines’ blistering set on the garden stage at Belladrum, 2022. Show more
Cuirm à Talla Rìoghail Ghlaschu le Sian agus sàr luchd-ciùil traidiseanta na dùthcha. Sian and some of Scotland’s finest trad musicians perform at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Show more
In the greatest sports competitions these days, victory comes down to the smallest details. Anns na farpaisean as motha, 's e glè bheag a th' eadar buannachd is call.
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Cassius Clay rises from boastful amateur boxer to contender for the heavyweight championship. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.