Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Children's drama series. Ceitidh Morag is frustrated that she is the only one unable to hear the seals on the beach singing. Show more
Chan eil sgeul air mìlsean a' chuirm-chnuic. The friends organise a picnic but forget to pack a dessert. Show more
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ deanamh burgairean glasrach. Linda Macleod and friends make tasty veggie burgers. Show more
Tha Gudrun agus Frida a’ cluich anns a’ choille agus a’ faicinn earb agus an laogh aice. Gudrun and her friend Frida encounter a roe deer doe in the forest. Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 1: Pàdraig Post agus An Àmhailt Chòrnach
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha Pàdraig ri lìbhrigeadh einnsean-toit. Pàdraig has to deliver an old steam engine from Cornwall for Seonaidh's cousin Ronaidh. Show more
Viggo gets angry at the dragon riders continually interfering with his business and uses a deep sea dragon, the Submaripper, to control Berk's trade. Show more
Tha Fetije fuireach sa Bheilg ach ‘s ann à Albàinia a tha i – ga fàgail eadar da shaoghal. Fetije lives in Belgium but her family are Albanian, leaving her confused about identity. Show more
Tha Seumas às Na Hearadh ag innse mu na rudan as fheàrr leis mar a bhith a’ pìobaireachd agus ag iasgach. Seumas from Harris tells us about his favourite hobbies, which include piping and fishing. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Derek Mackay looks back on the 2019 shinty season, with highlights from each of the major finals that make up the men’s and women’s game. Show more
Tha Ramsay MacMahon a’ teiche à Glaschu airson deireadh sheachdain ann an Eilean Arainn. Ramsay MacMahon escapes Glasgow for the weekend and heads for Arran. Show more
John Morrison interviews guests who witnessed major world events. In this episode, John hears Murdo Morrison's account of being in New York during the 2001 terror attacks. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
A tourist and his wife visit Fraochy Bay and decide to pay a visit to the local museum with its ambitious exhibits relating to local history. Show more
Giving an old desk a new lease of life, and other ideas for the office. Dreach ùr air seann deasc le pàipear-balla is ùrachadh eile dhan oifis, le Shona Masson. Show more
Prògram ciùil le taisbeanadh beò bho The Futureheads agus seiseanan le Tide Lines agus Zoe Bestel. Music show. Live set from The Futureheads and sessions from Tide Lines and Zoe Bestel. Show more
A look at America in the 1950s - known as the golden years to many Americans - in colour for the first time Show more
Traditional animated tale recounting the story of a young boy who receives the gift of piping from a sinister fairy. Show more
Derek Mackay looks back on the 2019 shinty season, with highlights from each of the major finals that make up the men’s and women’s game. Show more
The best of Belladrum 2019, presented by Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain Macdonald. Featuring Jess Glynn. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.