Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Blàrag finds a tree in the meadow with lots of creatures living in it, including a group of caterpillars feeding on the leaves. Show more
Tha Eilidh NicCarmaig a’ coinneachadh ri Niah agus a dràgoin fheusagach, Dell is Phoenix. Eilidh Cormack meets Niah and her bearded dragons, Dell and Phoenix. Show more
Tha Witzy ag ionnsachadh dèideagan a roinn. Witzy learns that it is more fun to share his toys and play as a group of friends. Show more
Gwen and Gareth go and visit grandma in her cosy little house by the seaside. They love playing on the beach. Show more
Children's drama series. Am bi banais ann gun sgeul air Granaidh Baile? It's the big wedding day but where's Granaidh Baile? Show more
Tha Igam Ogam a' fàs gu math troimhe-chèile an-diugh. Igam Ogam thinks that Seanair Seòras prefers everyone else to her, and it leaves her very upset. Show more
Derek MacIntosh reads Maighstir Mòr, written and illustrated by Ed Vere and translated into Gaelic by Donald John MacLeod. Show more
Nurses come together to reminisce and share stories of their experiences of the profession in the post-war years.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
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Live shinty coverage from the premiership as Kingussie host local rivals Newtonmore in the Badenoch derby.
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Traditional animated tale recounting the story of a young boy who receives the gift of piping from a sinister fairy. Show more
It's another day in Fraochy Bay and Featherby's Pie Factory has fallen on hard times. Owner Mr Featherby sets up a contest in order to boost his sales. Show more
Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald present concert sets from the second night at Belladrum. This programme features dynamic concert sets by Chvrches, Johnny Marr and Dodie. Show more
Minnie becomes increasingly certain that something, or someone, is preventing the group from discovering what happened on Kallskar. Show more
Calum MacIlleathainn a’ snàmh ann an Lochan na Poite faisg air a’ Chomraich. Calum MacLean swims in a loch near Applecross. Show more
Bàs an Eich air a sheinn le Hoddan. Comedy interpretation of Gaelic song Death of the Horse. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.