Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Grandpa Murdaidh tells the story of the time he, Leacsaidh and Fionnlagh were stranded on a remote island until Murdaidh's dad rescued them. Show more
Ceòl is òrain, cuide ri Fiona agus na càirdean aice - Flòraidh, Fionnlagh agus Fear Mòr nam Fonn! Songs and music with Fiona and her friends: Flora, Finlay and The Great Conductor. Show more
Ag Ionnsachadh le Blarag/Learning with Connie
Series 1
Episode 17: Ca ite bheil Uilleam - Cal na Slige! (Where's Wally - Shell Shock)
3 minutes on BBC ALBA
Gaelic children's cartoon. Blarag is playing hide-and-seek with her friends. Can she find Wally? Show more
Someone is in line for a special delivery - a special prize, for a special service. Show more
Tha latha mòr a feitheamh 's caraid ùr gus tighinn air cheilidh. A big day awaits as a new friend arrives in the garden. Show more
Children's series. Shane and Aine from Lochaber share their favourite hobbies, which include playing outside with their dog, Buddy, playing shinty and going out on their bikes. Show more
Children's animated series. Marian is jealous when Robin becomes taken with Juliet, a young damsel in distress. Show more
Animated fantasy adventure show. Tom gets to meet Muru, the master of red magic, and is given the opportunity to go on an extra-special adventure. Show more
Children's animated series. The Dark Side want to play a game in darkness but are unaware of the challenges and dangers they could face as a result. Show more
Documentary series following vets across Scotland as they tend to a wide variety of animals. In this programme, we visit the Wildlife Rescue Centre with vet Romain Pizzi. Show more
De a th'ann am facal? Cha bheag sin, mar a tha Eilidh NicLeòid a' cluinntinn. Eilidh MacLeod explores the richness and diversity of the Gaelic language. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Cook and artist Heather Dewar explores Hebridean communities. In this episode, Heather explores the island of Mull, where she heads off to see some white-tailed eagles. Show more
Sgeulachd Angus Sinclair a chaidh a dhìteadh airson dithis a mhurt an Glaschu ann an 1961 agus 1978. The story of convicted serial killer and rapist Angus Sinclair. Show more
Ina and Jessie go to the mountains, where they follow a sign pointing to an exciting opportunity - but it's not quite what they expected. Show more
Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald present highlights from a lively set by ska band Bombskare at the 2016 Tartan Heart Festival at Belladrum. Show more
Series in which Calum Maclean shares his passion for swimming in remote, cold rivers and lochs. In this episode, Calum is on Easdale Island. Show more
Che Guevara, an duine radaigeach agus Fidel Castro an duine poilitigeach. Documentary looking at the rivalry between Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Show more
Sreath le measgachadh de cheòl is òrain spòrsail. Music and song in a humorous vein.
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.