Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Peppa, George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are watching their favourite television programme, Detective Potato. Peppa and George want to be famous detectives too. Show more
Peppa and George want to blow bubbles in the garden. When the bubble mixture runs out, Daddy Pig has to come up with a plan. Show more
Ben & Hoilidh san Rìoghachd Bhig/Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom
Episode 21: Gòrdan air Chèilidh/Gaston's Visit
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's series. Gaston's cave has a leaky roof, so Holly invites him to stay at the Little Castle. But soon Gaston is taking over. Show more
Ben & Hoilidh san Rìoghachd Bhig/Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom
Episode 22: Cuairt chun na Tràghad/Trip to the Seaside
11 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's series. Holly goes with Ben and his family to the seaside and is told that no magic is allowed, but they forget their lunch. Show more
Carson a tha Mam cho toilichte an-diugh? Animated children's show. Mum is very excited as boxes appear in the post but the Floogals fail to understand why. Show more
Tha slighe ionmhais ag adhbharachadh mì-rian. Animated children's show. Mum and Dad prepare an egg hunt for the kids, causing confusion for the Floogals. Show more
Ceitidh Morag/Katie Morag
Series 2
Episode 2: Ceitidh Mòrag is a' chraobh-theaghlaich/Katie Morag's family tree.
14 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's series. Katie Morag and the other children learn about relatives and work on their family trees. Show more
Tha Otto a-nis a' fuireach cuide ri na Watsons. Luke comes home to an unexpected guest as Otto moves in with the Watsons. Show more
Am Prionnsa Beag/The Little Prince
Series 1
Episode 14: Planaid Meirleach Nan Rionnagan/Star Snatchers Planet - Part 1
20 minutes on BBC ALBA
All of the vegetation on the Planet of Stars relies upon the starlight that surrounds it. But someone is stealing the stars! Show more
Alvinnn Agus na Chipmunks/ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks
Episode 31: Slàn Sàbhailte
11 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha car snasail, luath a dhith air Alvin. Alvin has his eye on a speedy new sports car, but Dave won't allow him the toy as he believes it to be far too dangerous. Show more
Alvinnn Agus na Chipmunks/ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks
Episode 23: Comas Caillte
11 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha Alvin ann an trioblaid gun ad shealbhach. Without his special hat, Alvin is convinced that he won't be able to perform at the concert. Show more
Dragonan - Dionadairean Berk/Dragons - Defenders of Berk
Episode 19: Air Fògradh Pàirt 1/Cast Out Part 1
21 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's series. After disobeying orders, Snotlout is expelled from the academy. Alvin comes to Berk to make amends, but can he be trusted? Show more
Sealgairean Spòrsail/History Hunters
Episode 16: An Ath-bheothachaidh/The Renaissance
23 minutes on BBC ALBA
Light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. Travel back to the Renaissance with the History Hunters. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
Dosca a' cluich The Oblique Set aig Na Trads '15Dosca play The Oblique Set at Na Trads '15.
Fionnlagh MacLeòid a' còmhradh ris An t-Oll. Anna Latharna NicGillÌosa. Finlay MacLeod in conversation with Dr Anne Lorne Gillies.
Taghadh às na tasglainn - seinneadairean Gàidhlig tro na bliadhnaichean. Archive performances of Gaelic song through the decades.
Welcome to the unusual world of Fraochy Bay. Officer MacLean is disappearing under a pile of paperwork. Is something finally about to happen? Show more
Anna Nicleòid a' còmhradh ri dithis aoigh mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. Anna MacLeod talks to guests Maureen Hammond and Donald MacCormick about their favourite books. Show more
The Chieftains with a concert set celebrating the music of their homeland. Na Chieftains: a' taisbeanadh ceòl dachaigh a' chòmhlain. Show more
Documentary following Celtic band Mànran as they tour the USA, Germany, the Western Isles and Scotland. Show more
Sùil air ais air cuid de phrìomh phrògraman telebhisean na Gàidhlig, le Tony Kearney. A nostalgic look at some of Gaelic TV's finest moments with Tony Kearney. Show more
Documentary on the Rolling Stones, using extensive archive footage and interviews with the likes of band members Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. Show more
Lau, one of the most innovative and creative live acts in modern folk music, perform at HebCelt '13, in Stornoway. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.