Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Pincidh Dincidh Dù
Episode 22: Maighstir Gearra-mhuc agus an Cnàimh Mòr (Mr Guinea Pig and the Big Bone)
10 minutes on BBC ALBA
Pincidh builds a dinosaur skeleton out of Mgr Gearra-mhuc's bone collection. Show more
Bruno would like to have a nap. Perhaps he should count some sheep!
The Abadas love playing hide-and-seek. The day's word can also seek out things that can't be seen. What could it be and which Abada should look for it? Show more
Children's series. When Bruno spins his bow tie, it changes colour! What colour will it be next?
A trip to the local farm is always great fun, but can the children remember all the animals they've seen? Show more
Tha Cheryl air a bhith san ospadal 's a-nis feumaidh Aonghas dèanamh cinnteach gum fàs i nas fheàrr. Aonghas nurses Cheryl back to health. Show more
It's time to root for the bad guys with The League of Super Evil (L.O.S.E). Follow their evil leader Bholtar as he keeps his team in check. Show more
Gaelic children's cartoon about the adventures of a little cow.
Children's series about a boy who has a pair of magic wellingtons. William makes a wish and a new adventure begins. Show more
Children's animation about a pair of siblings. Lola is upset when she cannot find her favourite book in the library. Show more
Rathad An Sutha
An Storaidh aig Raonaid is Oighrig/The Story of Molly and Nathalie
10 minutes on BBC ALBA
Gaelic cartoon series about a girl who lives next door to a zoo and is told a story by the animals every night.
Children's series. The farmer is learning to play the piano. However, he is not naturally musically gifted and his lack of ability tortures everyone. Show more
When the cave where Ummemo lives gets blocked, the animals mount a rescue. Working together they clear the blockage and Ummemo is released. Show more
Children's series. Gabriel and Lara share an unexpected kiss at the swimming pool. Both are worried about what this will mean for their friendship. Show more
Sreath bhon tasglann ag aithris air eachdraidh caistealan na h-Alba. Series on the history, architecture and legends of some of Scotland's finest castles. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners, presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
In this episode, Alasdair takes his sheep off the hill for shearing, Robin takes a group eagle-spotting and we meet shopkeeper Alec in one of Harris's oldest shops. Show more
The story of five women living in isolated communities in Scotland, who are separated from their families for extended periods due to work commitments. Show more
Can women take on the 'men's work' of crewing North Sea trawlers? Three girls begin training in sea survival. Show more
Sùil air ais air cuid de phrìomh phrògraman telebhisean na Gàidhlig, le Tony Kearney. A nostalgic look at some of Gaelic TV's finest moments with Tony Kearney. Show more
Bidh an t-Urr Coinneach MacDhòmhnaill a'cuimhneachadh air a nighean aige Alison. Rev Kenneth MacDonald talks of how his faith has helped him since his daughter's disappearance. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.