Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Series about a monster who can make her drawings real. Sgrìobag draws an elephant called Anna, who makes the loudest trumpet sound in the jungle. Show more
Charlie is Lola
Series 1
Episode 24: Tha mi 'g iarriadh a bhith cho mòr riutsa (I Want to Be Much More Bigger Than You)
10 minutes on BBC ALBA
Gaelic children's programme. Lola does everything she can to make herself taller. Show more
Ag Ionnsachadh le Blarag/Learning with Connie
Series 1
Episode 4: Detectibh Blarag: Da-omhaireachd 's an t-Isean (Detective Connie: The Case of the Missing Chirp)
2 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's cartoon. Blarag is looking for a little chick. Let's help her find it! Show more
Seonaidh and Bitzer are never shy of giving anything a go but the task of cleaning windows proves to be a difficult process for them. Show more
Kerry Anne Macleod and Allan MacDonald bring science to life. This episode, make paper planes that really take off and build a leaning tower of pasta! Show more
Pincidh Dincidh Dù
Episode 12: Donaidh agus Gille na Craoibhe/Tyler Dinky Doo and the Legend of Twigfoot
13 minutes on BBC ALBA
Donaidh refuses to take a bath and becomes so dirty that he looks more like a monster than a little boy. Show more
Tha na h-Abadas a' cluich le càraichean-rèisidh sa ghàrradh an diugh. After racing their go-karts in the garden, Ela, Hari and Seren play the word game. Show more
Srath Sona/Happy Valley
Episode 7: Ag Èirigh sa Mhadainn (Getting Up in the Morning)
5 minutes on BBC ALBA
All the little animals are waking up, ready for the day. Gwen and Gareth have to get ready too. Show more
Gaelic cartoon about a girl who lives next door to a zoo. Adam wants to play football but can't, until the players ask him to be the ball. Show more
Tha trì deugairean a' sabaid eilthirich le cuideachadh bho nighean àraidh agus a seanair. Three teens battle alien invaders. Show more
Sreath de nàdair agus beathaichean Bhreatainn 's Èirinn, leis a' Chlamhan-ruadh. The series on the nature and wildlife of Britain and Ireland looks at the windhover.
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners, presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Murdo MacDonald from the island of Lewis was known for his wit and his poetic skills. He belonged to a tradition where poets recorded events and characters from their daily lives. Show more
Tha Domhnall agus Catriona a toirt dhuinn blasad de'n chiad latha aig na Farpais Naiseanta Chon-Chaorach. Donald and Catriona present highlights from the National Sheepdog Trials. Show more
A look at the Hebridean fascination with all things wheeled, meeting the island characters who are obsessed with their vehicles. Show more
The Fraochy Bay lifeboat crew are having a training day, which involves an icy adventure. Passing poet Torquil Farquhar is roped in to help. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
Taghadh den luchd-ciùil is seinneadairean as fheàrr ann an Alba. A selection of Scotland's best musicians and singers.
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.