BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal, the BBC's Gaelic language radio service.
Facal an là. Today's word.
Pincidh Dincidh Dù
Episode 2: An Ceòl air feadh na Fìdhle/Tyler's Great Big Solo
13 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tha Donaidh a' toirt taic dhan opara nuair a chailleas seinneadair ainmeil a ghuth. A tenor loses his voice and Donaidh fills in. Show more
Bruno plays follow the leader with the Purple Penguins.
Gaelic children's programme.
Spòrs is plòidh son clann fo aois sgoile! Deiseil son beagan leum is danns le Amanda? Gaelic children's programme. Dancing fun for preschool children.
Facal an là. Today's word.
The pirates are stranded on a desert island and Jib Lee and Jabby Chan face Jessica Feudal Lord. Show more
Cuirmean, coinneamhan 's tachartasan - sùil air dè tha dol air feadh na dùthcha thall 's a bhos. Concerts, meetings and events - a round-up of what is on across the country.
Facal an là. Today's word.
Tha parsail gu math sonraichte aig Padraig an diugh - ach feumaidh dhol air a thoir gu Anna a' bheat. Pat collects a delivery from Anna the vet. Show more
Children's programme. The little people have a song about turning seasons from spring to summer.
Charlie is Lola
Series 1
Episode 19: Sneachda - an rud as fheàrr air thalamh/Snow Is My Favourite and My Best
10 minutes on BBC ALBA
Gaelic children's programme. Charlie, Lola, Matta and Anna spend time in the park making snow angels. Show more
Tha Seoc a leughadh stòiridh dha charaidean san taigh aran chridhe. Jack reads a story to his puppet friends in the Gingerbread House.
Facal an là. Today's word.
Using Rover as protection the X-Men make their way to Master Mould's facility. A tragic event affects Mairead badly and in her anger she betrays Charles. Show more
Sreath bhon tasglann ag aithris air eachdraidh bailtean na h-Alba. Series looking at the history of Scotland's towns.
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Cuirmean, coinneamhan 's tachartasan - sùil air dè tha dol air feadh na dùthcha thall 's a bhos. Concerts, meetings and events - a round-up of what is on across the country.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Iasgach a' bhradain air cuid de na h-aibhnichean is àlluinne an Alba - cuide ri Neen NicAoidh. An odyssey through Scotland's fishing rivers with Neen MacKay.
Sheepdog trials from the Atholl and Weem Trials in Perthshire, with Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween.
The creation of Irish inventor Harry Ferguson, the Ferguson TE20 has been an iconic part of world farming for over 70 years. Show more
Animated series. Feathers fly at the local art gallery as a thief makes an unwelcome appearance. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal, the BBC's Gaelic language radio service.