Dotty gets your brain going on a Monday with a new round of No Google Questions. Plus we play the A-Z of Roulette, and Dotty has a new Hotshot.
Sian Anderson is in for Ace.
The latest news from around the UK and around the world.
Music, gossip and entertainment...
Charlie plays Radio 4's slang quiz to see if he can still hold it down with the youth.
The latest news from around the UK and around the world.
Charlie has highlights from Logic's Fire in the Booth and tells some... 'interesting' stories.
Wretch 32 passes through with a new Jam Hot track. Plus to celebrate Freshers week DJ Prospect goes in the mix.
New tunes and new voices from across the spectrum of music and culture.
The hottest D&B, exclusives and big guests.
Friction has a guest mix from Jaybee and a DNB60 from Hospital Records' Makoto.