The late transgender activist Julia Grant is the subject of this landmark BBC series. Directed by David Pearson, it was the first mainstream television documentary in the UK to tell the story of a person transitioning from male to female. It provides a startling insight into what life was like for trans people in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s: from seeking support from gender identity clinics and the violence faced by trans people, to the legal and medical difficulties in changing your gender and the wider attitudes of society at the time.
Each of the five parts, broadcast on the BBC between 1979 and 1999, focuses on a key part of Julia’s journey with a unique and intimate look into her life. The series begins following Julia before her transition as a 24-year-old working in catering.
David Pearson and Julia stayed in touch and remained close friends long after filming and she was keen for the series to be rebroadcast. It’s been republished here in its original version. Show less