Romesh Ranganathan’s topical comedy show, the Ranganation, returns to bring a dose of optimistic entertainment to the nation. Romesh chats through the lighter end of the news spectrum with celebrity guests and his hand-picked focus group, the Ranganation – 20 loveable, outspoken characters, who represent a cross-section of modern Britain. This week comedian and national treasure, Jo Brand, and dancer, talent show judge and presenter, Oti Mabuse, join Romesh in the studio. Together, they take a humorous look at the week’s biggest talking points, from front page news to trending topics, helping the nation navigate their way through these tricky times. Past discussions with members of the Ranganation such as ‘Small Town Girl’, ‘Never Voted’, ‘Technophobe’ and ‘Romesh’s Mum’, have covered such disparate areas as the existence of alien life, whether or not you should wash your legs in the shower, and given rise to the infamous Trousers or No Trousers zoom game. Show less