Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain a’ lìbhrigeadh sreath ùr a tha a’ toirt sùil air ais air Celtic Connections 2022. Anns a' phrògram roghainneach seo, gheibhear feadhainn de na cuirmean as fheàrr bhon fhèis, nam measg Fiona Hunter, Kim Carnie, Cameron Nixon, Ellie Beaton agus còmhlan shonraichte bhon chiad oidhche den fhèis, Megan Henderson, The Jeremiahs agus Dallahan.
Mischa MacPherson presents a compilation programme of some of the best musicians and concerts from Celtic Connections 2022, including Fiona Hunter, Kim Carnie, Cameron Nixon and Ellie Beaton and an all-star band from the first night of the festival, Megan Henderson, The Jeremiahs and Dallahan. Show less