Air Iomall - Music from the Edge
29 minutes
Tha an dithist luchd-ciùil Charlie Grey agus Joseph Peach a’ gabhail bòidse air an t-soitheach Dhùideach ‘Wylde Swan’ a mach dhan ìarr gu ruige feadhainn dha na h-eileannan is iomallaiche air iomall-fairge an ìarr thuth Alba – dithis luchd ciùil air bharr nan tonn, a’ sireadh dùsgadh-inntinn gus ceòl ùr a sgrìobhadh, agus an uairsin a chluich, airson a chiad uair riamh, anns a chèarn-iomallach seo do dh’Alba. Fiolm àlainn bhon a neach-ciùil agus stiùiriche Hamish Macleòid.
Two of Scotland’s leading young traditional musicians, Charlie Grey and Joseph Peach, take a musical voyage on the Dutch vessel Wylde Swan to some of the most remote islands off Scotland’s north west coast. Two musicians on the high seas hoping for inspiration to compose new material which they will perform for the first time in this isolated part of Scotland. A beautiful film from musician and director Hamish Macleod.
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