An appeal on behalf of THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND ZENANA
The Church of England Zenana Missionary Society had the honour of sending the first European woman doctor to India, of opening the first women's hospital, and of training the first Indian midwives.
The C.E.Z.M.S. also led the way in opening the first school for the deaf in India.
The Society, which has work in India and Ceylon, China and Singapore, has nineteen hospitals, with over 15,000 in-patients, together with thirty-six dispensaries with over 315,000 out-patient attendances. It has four schools for the deaf and blind, and in its nine orphanages, some 2,000 ' unwanted ' babies are cared for.
Visits are paid to women in gaol, and rescue and preventive work is carried on, as also work among lepers.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed]