9.30 Science Topics: Food and Population
(Shown on Tuesday at 1.15 pm)
9.52 Look and Read: Fair Ground!: 5: Come to the Fair
(Shown on Tuesday at 10.10)
10.15 Mathscore Two: Number Growing
A poinsettia plant relates to a 'golden' rectangle, thanks to Fibonacci sequences. Presented by Elaine Donnelly and Roger Sloman
10.38 Exploring Science: Living Underwater
The millions of living things which inhabit four-fifths of the world.
11.0 Look, Look and Look Again: Natural Details
Colourful flowers and tiny butterflies make good subjects for detailed drawing and painting.
11.22 Geography 11-13: River Landscape
Bernard Clark investigates the many different landscapes of the River Tees, from wild moorland to heavy industry.
11.44 Going to Work: Extra Qualifications
(Shown on Monday at 9.38 am)
12.5 Making the Most of the Micro: 5: Keeping a Record
Ten programmes showing what micros can do and how to use them.
BBC book and software pack, £12.95 from booksellers. Notes £1.30 from [address removed], cheque/PO payable to BSS. Enclose a 12" x 9" sae with 21p postage
12.30 Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You: 5: Round the Bend
Seven programmes for the young motorcyclist. With Neil Walker.
12.55 You Can't See the Wood...: 5: The Foresters
With David Bellamy, who examines the diversity, uses and conservation of trees in the UK.
Free leaflet from You Can't See the Wood... [address removed]
1.20 Thinking in Action: 5: Decision, Choice, Evaluation
How thinking skills can be applied in business and organisational situations.
1.38 Around Scotland: Home and Abroad: 2: In the Community
(Shown yesterday at 1.38 pm)
2.0 Scene: Sexual Harassment
Wolf whistles, name calling, insults, unwelcome suggestions, pressure...
A group of teenage girls relate their experiences and discuss their views, and look at some of the ways in which people are taking action against sexual harassment.
(Shown yesterday at 10.34 am)
2.30 English File: Media Studies: Moving Pictures
A group of south London CSE pupils find there's more to picture-making than meets the eye: they explore narrative and mood-creation techniques in film-making through devising, shooting and editing their own film story.
3.0 Pages from Ceefax