Songs from various Poets sung by HERBERT HEYNER (baritone)
Lieder nach verschiedenen Dichtern
(Songs from various poets)(continued) i. Wo wird einst (Tell me where) (from the poem by Heine); 2. Sonne der Schlummerlosen (Sun of the sleepless) ; 3. Keine gleicht von alien Schonen (There be none of Beauty's daughters) (from the poems by Byron); 4. Gesellenlied (Song of the Apprentice) (from the poem by Reinick); 5. Morgentau (Morning Dew) (from an old poem) ; 6. Du milchjunger Knabe (You callow lad) ; 7. Tretet ein, hoher Krieger (Now advance, haughty warrior) (from the poems by Keller)