from Hartstop, Cumbria
Presented by Roy Lancaster
Most gardeners find weeding a chore, but when Dilys Davies works in her garden she needs to be roped up to the trees high above a steep cliff face.
Perched precariously in the lakeland mountains around Patterdale, this fascinating garden contains over 2,000 different hardy plants. Trees and shrubs hang out of crevices, alpines nestle in tiny island beds and water tumbles through the rocks to provide areas for bog plants. It's an incredible achievement and will provide encouragement to anybody who gardens in a similar situation. Since Dilys can spend very little time in her garden, easy maintenance has been paramount in her design.
Production assistant JEAN LAUGHTON Film cameraman MIKE WILLIAMS
Executive producer JOHN KENYON BBC Pebble Mill
Plant list on Ceefax page 261