9.38 Science Workshop: Cleaning (A)
10.0 You and Me
Cosmo's tears turn to laughter while she and Dibs are helping Jeni Barnett at the market. Book: "Lazy Jack"
10.15 MI 10: Mathematical Investigations
17: Get the Facts
'Men are taller than women.' Always? And how might you test such a statement?
18: Rolling
Stonehenge, a 50p coin and a drill which creates a square hole.
10.38 Maths at Work: 2
Young people use CSE maths at work.
11.0 Words and Pictures: Auntie Min
(Shown on Monday at 2.0 pm)
11.17 Let's See: The Sea: 1: Out of the Sea
(Shown yesterday at 1.38 pm)
11.40 Scene: It's a Wheelchair not a Pram
(For details see Friday at 2.0 pm)
12.10 pm You Can't See the Wood...: 6: The Fruits of our Labour
David Bellamy examines the natures and uses of trees.
12.35 Rockschool: 7: Reggae
1.0 Maths Help (11): 7: Matrices: 1
For adults studying maths to O-level, this series offers help with common difficulties.
1.15 Higher Education: What Sort of Course?
An introduction to polytechnics, colleges and institutes of higher education.
1.38 Outlook: Alternative Technology 4: It's Only Natural
BBC Wales
2.0 Watch: Then and Now: Shopping
To find out more about life in Britain in the early days of this century, Louise visits a reconstructed shop in the North of England Open Air Museum at Beamish. There, with Bob Coates, a former grocer, she discovers what shopping was like in the past.
(Shown yesterday at 11.0 am)
2.18 Look, Look and Look Again: Pattern in Place
A walk in the forest - a visit to the seashore. A Banbury class looks closely at natural textures and patterns.
2.40 Zig Zag: The Atmosphere
(Shown on Monday at 11.0 am)