6 JS The Evolution of Mammal.
6.50 Classical Greece: Shipping 7!lSLivingLanguage
7 40 Graduates lor Growtn
85 Fluctuating Exchange Rates
8.30 Edinburgh Observed
8.55 Discovering Chemistry
I 20 Guernica: The Making of a Myth
9.45 Music: Modulation
10.10 Research Methods
1035 Seventeenth-Century England
11.25 Handicapped in the Community
11.50 Central Place Theory
12.15 Sociology: Principles of Caste
12.40 The Standards Debate: Part 1 1 Space-Time Geometry
1.30 Maths Across the Curriculum
1.55 Middlemarch by George Eliot 220 Reaching the Community 2'45 Modern Art: Matisse