Wolf-Ferrari's powerful and disturbing drama takes Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew as its starting point. Drunkard Christopher Sly is taken to the castle of the Count of Westmorland, where he finds himself the subject of a cruel deception.
New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra, conductor Marco Armiliato
Act 1
7.20 Interval: New York Stories
Another in the series of specially commissioned personal portraits of New York City. Author Elena Lappin reflects on a traumatic period of her time in New York.
7.50 Act 2
8.40 Interval: The Met Opera Quiz
Send questions to Met Opera Quiz, [address removed]
9.00 Opera Snaps
With Rodney Milnes.
9.05 Act 3
Broadcast Guide: For a free copy of the Met Broadcast Guide, call the BBC Information line on [number removed]