A series of documentary films following events over seven weeks in the life of one village in Kenya. 1:The Prophet's Family
The village belongs to Simel, an important Maasai prophet and diviner. He has 13 wives and more than 60 children. In this episode a delegation arrives from another Maasai district bringing 25 cows as a gift to the prophet. He must prophesy for them and send them home with charms to protect their cattle and their women-folk. Meanwhile the younger men of the area are trying to collect goods and money to pay a fine to the prophet for a goat they stole from him. They go to one of the local shops to demand money. Simel himself has been summoned to a meeting by the Government-appointed Chief....
Photography DICK POPE Sound BOB ALCOCK
Film editor DAI VAUGHAN
*Subtitles on Ceefax page 270