with Percy Thrower at Clacks Farm
In the fruit garden PERCY THROWER and ARTHUR BiLLiTT look at the progress of the fruit and discuss summer pruning.
Now is the time to be busy with the secateurs in the fruit garden. Cordon, espalier and dwarf pyramid apples should be summer pruned to keep them in shape. Blackcurrant shoots which have fruited must be cut out, to encourage strong young fruiting growths for next year. As raspberries finish fruiting the old canes are cut to ground level and young new growths are removed from the base of the stools to prevent over-crowding. Plum trees must be inspected for signs of silver leaf disease and any affected branches cut out to prevent it spreading.
Producer BARRIE EDGAR (Birmingham)
Percy Thrower 's Guide to Gardenen' World, 50p, from bookshops