Spring in Paris
Gabrielle Vassal
In her vivid, easy style,, missing no detail of what goes on around her, Madame Vassal , who lives in Paris and frequently comes over to this country to broadcast, is to describe Paris in the spring. Whether it is 'Madame' in her costume de sport taking her dog for a walk in the Champs-Elysees, or the housewife, with her market bag, fighting her way between the stalls on the Place de 1'Alma, or the young apprentices swarming out of the big shops at midday for lunch, Madame Vassal is as aware of them as they, one and all, are aware of the budding trees.
She will talk of the Exhibition, of 'roads up' (just as they are in London), of the ' trottoirs ' and 'midinettes ', of the theatres and the plays that have been the hit of the season.