A series of eight films in which Malcolm Muggeridge looks back over his life. 6: 1967-1971
Pilgrimage to Lourdes. A Monastery in Scotland. Muggeridge in Wonderland
'Can these poor souls, one asks oneself - sometimes in outward appearance barely human - really wish to go on living? Can one wish that they should? The scientific answer is, of course, emphatically " No ". In a broiler-house there is no space for such poor specimens. They are - to use a particularly odious expression - " useless mouths "; but then our world is not a broiler-house ...'
' Could I ever have been a monk, I ask myself. I can see the attraction of the life. Dying in the flesh to be reborn in the spiritmarvellous! No newspapers, no telly-what joy! '
'I like utterly nonsensical things. I think they have a sort of beauty about them ..."
Film editor DAVID LEE