Series offering advice on owning, setting and buying property. Quentin Willson visits some brownfield sites earmarked for development, and is impressed by a converted department store in central Manchester, part of a boom in inner-city projects.
Anna Ryder-Richardson joins location-finder Ralph Cameron on his search for three suitable venues for the filming of a major drama that is to be screened next year - the house with the right features could net its owners £2,000 a day, in his regular spot. Estate agent Paul Higgins offers some realistic advice on renovating run-down properties, which can consume vast quantities of cash and time.
Booklet: send a cheque for £4, made payable to BBC Education, to [address removed] or call [number removed] (calls will cost a maximum charge of 10p per minute)
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BBC Good Homes Magazine: available from retailers
Quentin Willson's Kind of Day: page