at the Service in Hereford Cathedral Order of Service
Hymn: Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Responses: Psalm 138
Anthem: Lord. for thy tender mercy's sake (Hilton)
First Lesson: St John 13, vv 1-16 read by HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh First Distribution of Maundy Gifts
During this the following anthems are sung:
Wash me throughly from mv wickedness (S. S. Wesley); The Lord is my Shepherd (C. V. Stanford)
Second Lesson: St Matthew 25, vv 31.45 read by the Chancellor, REV CANON J. M. IRVINE Second Distribution
During this the following anthems are sung:
The Heavens are telling the Father's glory (Schutz); Zadek the priest (Handel) Prayers
Hymn: 0 thou who earnest from above (Hereford) National Anthem The Blessing
The scene described by AUDREY RUSSELL
BBC Birmingham