3/6. Highlands and Glens. David Dimbleby 's sumptuous journey takes him to Balmoral, where he considers Edwin Landseer 's Monarch of the Glen. From there it's on to Loch Lomond , Glencoe and the peninsula of Kintyre where he learns about artists Horatio McCulloch and William McTaggart , before setting sail for Sligo in Ireland - the childhood home of poet WB Yeats. The series continues tomorrow at 9pm on BBC1.
Director Robin Dashwood ; Executive producer Basil Comely
Shown last Sun on BBCI wwwbbccauk/apictureofbritain COMPETITION: viewers can submit digital images to the website (address above). The best will be shortlisted, and winners in each category will receive a digital camera and have their work displayed at the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford. Digital viewers can access an interactive picture gallery comprising the most popular pictures sent in, and a digital photography masterclass via the red button on their TV handset
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