A special presentation of the all-star American TV production. On 27 June 1976 an Air France plane on a flight from Paris to Tel Aviv was hijacked by a group of terrorists. The passengers' ordeal lasted for seven days until their dramatic rescue by Israeli commandos. This dramatisation vividly conveys the tension of the human drama aboard the aircraft and the political tension in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Written By: Ernest Kinoy
Directed By: Marvin Chomsky
Production By: David L. Wolper
German hijacker: Helmut Berger
Chana Vilnovsky: Linda Blair
Hershel Vilnovsky: Kirk Douglas
Col Netanyahu: Richard Dreyfuss
Mrs Wise: Helen Hayes
Yitzhak Rabin: Anthony Hopkins
Shimon Peres: Burt Lancaster
Edra Vilnovsky: Elizabeth Taylor
Yakov: Theodore Bikel
Mordecai Gur: Stefan Gierasch
Benyamin Wise: David Groh
President Idi Amin: Julius Harris
Capt Dukas: Christian Marquand
Nomi Haroun: Jessica Walters
Gen Dan Shomron: Harris Yuli
Natan Haroun: Allan Miller
German woman: Bibi Besch
Aaron Olav: David Sheiner