6.50 Maths: Group Theory
7.15 The Hydraulic Ram 7.40 Form and Function of Fossils
8.05 Engineering Mechanics: Vibrations 8.30 The Shape of Cars to Come 8.55 Putting I T in its Place 9.20 Managing in Organisations 9.45 Special Education in Norway 10.10
Images: Viewing with Electrons
10.35 Namibia: Territory without a State 11.00
Managing Change at Jaguar
11.25 Donegal: Tradition and Change 11.50 Education: Time to Leam 12.15 King Lear:
Workshop 12.40 Mantegna: the Triumphs of Caesar 1.05 Managing in the Community
1.30 Museum of Modern Art.
New York 1.55 Culture and Belief in Europe 1450-1600
2.20 Biological Control