www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone Open University/General Interest
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2.00 The Birth of Calculus An examination of the greatest boost to the history of mathematics since Greek times. 45169 2.30 Hidden Visions The structure of the microscopic universe. 83846 3.00 Waving Not Drowning Two trawler captains try to cope without radar or radio as they would have had to have done 50 years ago. 20730 3.30 Acid Politics What's happened to acid-rain levels? 3454020 4.20 Ever Wondered?
Helen Lederer investigates the environmental impact of rubbish.
61694681 4.30 Controlling Carnival Crowds? The atmosphere of the Notting Hill Carnival helps to explore the psychology of crowd behaviour. 5694556 5.20 What Have the 80s Ever
Done for Us? A look at a decade which produced natural disaster and scientific discoveries. 8319933 5.30 Open Advice: a Different Way of Learning Teaching important life skills such a 5 time-management.