A series of seven programmes
It was hot, dry, one for the record books. But there were other things to remember too.
Reporter Jeremy James
Fleet Street's usual 'silly season' was darkened by questions over intrusion into privacy and the role of the gossip writer. Paul Slickey, John Osborne's notorious columnist of the 50s, was seen to have returned.
The most controversial of today's columnists is Nigel Dempster, with a page in the Daily Mail and now-admitted contributions to Private Eye's Grovel column. His scene is Royal Ascot, Wimbledon, Private Eye lunches, gambling casinos... and the House of Commons where attempts are being made to bring in privacy legislation.
His critics are not only MPs and people whose marital difficulties he writes about, but also fellow journalists, worried that 'keyhole journalism' which concentrates on the secrets of the bedroom may spoil the case for learning more secrets from the Cabinet room.