6.25 Beyond the Eye. 6.50 Minimum Cost Flows. 7.15 Earth Materials: 3. 7.40 The Nature of Chemistry. 8.5 Structure of Lysozyme. 8.30 Rocks and Magnets. 3.55 Turning it Round. 9.20 M101/5A Tutor Marked Assignments. 9.45 Data in the Computer. 10.10 Mining. 10.35 Drugs: The Industry and the Regulators. 11.0 Enzyme Structure and Function. 11.25 Computing at the Royal Bank of Scotland. 11.50 Deep-sea Drilling. 12.15 Changing the Record. 12.40 Cells and Organisms. 1.5 Isotopes in Geology. 1.30 Energy to Go Round.