A personal view by J. Bronowski in 13 programmes
7: The Majestic Clockwork
' What would the world look like if I rode on a beam of light? '
If the world and its character could be clearly understood by two men only, they might well be Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. They are connected by light, as DR BRONOWSKI shows in bringing their two worlds to life. The universe of Newton, clear, English, stately, like the music and the great buildings of his century ticking away with a fine clockwork mechanism; nicely regulated by laws. Then the quizzical world of Einstein whose direct truth and questions could turn the dignified universe upside-down in the interests of a clearer understanding. We ride with Einstein on his beam of light to end our journey in our own century.
Producer DICK gilling
Series editor Adrian MALONE
Book (same title), 15.50, from bookshop,