10.50 Come Outside (ages 4-5)
Crisps - how are crisps made? (S) 3460640 11.05 Pathways of Belief: Islam (ages 7-9) Living as a Muslim: Ramadan and Prayer - east London children discuss their faith. (S) 3516447 11.20 Landmarks Shorts (ages
9-11) North Sea Five geography case studies. (S) 8670089 11.30 Megamaths (ages 7-9) Division: Divide by Two- what are the links between multiplication and division? (S) 2493485 11.50 Music Makers (ages 7-9)
Composition: Finding Sounds - making music from natural noise. (S) 8931195 12.10 Landmarks
(ages 10-12) World Environmental Changes: Forests - how humans influence environments in which they live. (S)