The Hot-blooded Dinosaurs
There is a revolution happening in the world of dinosaurs; all our ideas about them are being challenged. They were not slow-moving cold-blooded reptiles but agiie, inteHigent and hot-blooded, like mammals.
These are the controversial claims of a group of scientists in tonight's programme. The controversy has been caused by creatures like the deinonychus 'terrible claw', a two-footed terror which attacked feet-first, and the stegasaurus, a bizarre creation with its own air-conditioning system. Studies of Living animals are providing answers to seemingly impossible questions like how much dinosaurs ate, and how fast they could run. And there is an answer to the ultimate problem of all: where did diresaurs go? It's now claimed they didn't all die out. Their descendants are alive and well and living all around us today!
Film editor ALAN LEWENS
Written and produced by ROBIN BATES and ROBIN BRIGHTWELL