Appeal on behalf of the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief by Gilbert Murray, o.M.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief nas the support of leading members of all principal political parties, and representatives of various religious denominations serve on thi Committee. The registered objects are * the relief of suffering arising as a result of war or other causes in any part of the world.' Of the several countries that have been helped in the past, some are now able to help others. It is computed, however, that there are still more than 25,000,000 refugees, in the world and a tar greater number of children suffering from serious malnutrition or lack of clothing.
It is possible to send enough clothing for one refugee family for ten shillings; two shillings will send sufficient for one child; and £ 10 enables the Committee to pack and despatch seven hundred garments. Donations are urgently required for the sending of a million garments to Europe and the Middle East, and for food and medicine for those in greatest need