9.38 Science Workshop: Stiff Shapes 'B'
How thin floppy material can be made strong by shaping. From plastic buckets to James Bond helicopters.
10.0 You and Me
A series for 4- and 5-year-olds
Cosmo doesn't think one grape is a fair swap for one apple. Some children of Bengali parentage dance in a north London school. Book: Meal One by Ivor Cutler, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury.
10.15 Maths Counts: 10: What Price to Pay?
Bert falls for a 'special offer but Elsie falls - for Solihull?
10.38 A-Level Studies: Statistics. 5: Regression
In shaping steel strip, a computer fits a line to a set of points ten times a second. What mathematics does the programmer use?
11.0 Words and Pictures: The Tale of the Turnip
11.17 The Music Arcade: 10: Children's Film Music
11.39 General Studies: Can Marriage Survive?
12.5 pm Pages from Ceefax
12.30 Honourable Members: 5: Carry on Governing
Examining the role of MPs.
12.55 Switch On to English: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
1.21 Descubra Espana: Unos ratos libres
Una cita; Reportaje deportivo; Pasatiempos y fiestas.
1.38 Let's See: Minibeasts: 3: The Workers
2.0 Watch: The Feel of Things
Rough, smooth, hot, cold...
You can tell quite a lot about an object by what it feels like. For blind children learning to read Braille, sense of touch is even more important. In the story of the six blind men and the elephant, each man has a different idea of what an elephant is like.
2.18 Update USA: 5: Deep South Town
Greenville, Mississippi, is a small town in the poorest region of the poorest state in the USA. The economic boom has left numerous question marks about its effect on the roots of the area's poverty.
2.40 Zig Zag: Roads: A Better Road?
(Ceefax Subtitles)