6.25 Mansfield Park: Improvement. 6.56 Kepler's War. 7.15 Maths: Maps. 7.40 Thomas Hardy and Cornwall. 8.5 Accident Investigation. 8.30 Argument on Television: 1. 8.55 Tower Hamlets. 9.20 Roots of Equations. 9.45 Social Work in Action. 10.10 The Origin of the Earth. 10.35 Freedom and Plenty. 11.0 Maths Methods: Population Modelling.
11.25 Newton's Present-day Success.
11.50 Psychosexual Differences: 2.
12.15 A Profile of Charles Ives. 12.40 Statistics: First Ideas. 1.5 ' Title to the Earth.' 1.30 Defining the Field.