With Martin Handley.
Handel Organ Concerto in F, HWV295 (The Cuckoo and the Nightingale) Bob van Asperen ,
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
6.30 Schubert String Quartet in G minor, Dl 73 Kodaly Quartet
7.00 Uadov From the Apocalypse, Op 66 BBC Philharmonic, conductor VassilySinaisky
7.30 Bach English Suite No 1 in A, BWV806 Murray Perahia (piano)
8.00 Monteverdi Lauda Jerusalem
(Vespro della Beata Vergine) Monteverdi Choir,
English Baroque Soloists, conductor John Eliot Gardiner
8.30 Haydn Symphony No 26 in D minor (Lamentatione)
Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, director Frans Bruggen
Full details of Momingon 3'smusic are posted at www.bbc. co.uk/radio3/playlists a few days before transmission EMAIL: morningon3@bbc.co.uk