Conducted by the Rt. Rev. R.C. Mortimer, D.D., Lord Bishop of Exeter, in his Cathedral Church of St. Peter.
Introit: (Psalm 24)
The beginning of the Communion Service
Sermon by Dom Augustine Morris, O.S.B. Abbot of Nashdom
The Presentation of those to be ordered Deacons and Priests
The Litany Kyrie Eleison; Collect
The Epistle: Ephesians 4, vv.7-13
The Gradual. Psalm 132. vv.17 and 18; Psalm 110, v.4
The Examination and Ordination of the Deacons
The Gospel: St. Luke 12, vv.35-38
The Examination and Ordination of the Priests
The Nicene Creed
The Offertory: St. John 15. v.16; Psalm 134
Wc pray thee, heavenly Father (EH. 334)
Preparation for Communion
The Consecration of the Bread and Wine
Agnus Dei
The Communion of the newly-ordained and of the people
Thanksgiving after Communion
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (E.H. 536)
The commentary is given by Frank Gillard
Music to be sung during the Communion:
Anthem: O quam gloriosum
Psalm 20
(All transmitters except Kirk O'Shotts, Redmoss and Glencairn)
(to 12.00)