The last in the series presented by Chris Kelly
Michael Barry and Jill Goolden
Efor Additives - E numbers are meant to tell us what goes into the food we eat. But most people are confused by them, some are even alarmed. So what's gone wrong?
Testing the Spreads - new low fat spreads are being launched almost every week. But which really are the lowest in fat? Which cook well? Which taste the best?
Exotic Vegetables - what are snow peas, or moolins, or plantains? They're all exotic vegetables which are both available and affordable. Find out what they look like and how to cook them. Director JEREMY MILLS
Books, The Food and Drink Cookbook. 2.95; The Food
Connection. £4.25; The Taste of Health £5.25; Michael Smith 's New English Cookery £5.50. from booksellers