6.40 What is Combinatorics? 7.05 Maths: The Binomial Theorem
7.30 Landscape: Bodmin and Dorset 7.55 TV - The
Technological Impact 8.20 The Blelham Tubes 8.45 Information Technology - A Revolution? 9.10 Personality, Development and Learning 9.35 Molecules in Space
10.00 Living Choices: Good Moves
10.25 Biology: Brain and Behaviour 10.50 Domino - An international Player 11.15
Changing Britain: A Century of Change 11.40 From Child to Pupil
12.05 Caringfor Data 12.30 Education: Signs of the Times
12.55 Pilgrimage: The Shrine at Loreto 1.20 Education for All?
1.45 Psychology: Two Research Styles 2.10 It's Lovely Day
Tomorrow 2.35 History: What is its Future?